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Etude des interactions hôte/parasite chez l'huître plate Ostrea edulis et son parasite Bonamia ostreae ArchiMer
Morga, Benjamin.
The history of the French oyster production highlights the fragility of this production against overexploitation and disease outbreaks. In particular, the production of flot oyster, Ostrea edulis, has decreased following the emergence of two parasitic diseases including bonamiosis. The means to fight against bonamiosis are relatively limited. They are mainly based on oyster health surveillance to limit the spread of the disease. However, the use of predictive models of disease progression in infected area would help to improve stock management and minimize the impact pathogens. Moreover the development of resistant animais could help to revive this production. These different approaches require appropriate diagnostic tools, a good knowledge of the life...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Huître plate; Ostrea edulis; Bonamiose; Bonamia ostreae; Interaction hôte-parasite; Expression; Résistance; Hémocytes; Hybridation soustractive suppressive; Flat oyster; Ostrea edulis; Bonamiosis; Bonamia ostreae; Interaction host-parasite; Expression; Resistance; Haemocytes; Suppressive subtractive hybridization.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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